Our Safeguarding Policies

Accolade Families
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
A child centered approach to safeguarding

1. Children First
1.1 The welfare of the child is paramount (Children Act 1989).
1.2 At Accolade we believe effective safeguarding policies, procedures and practice should focus on the needs of the child. Too often, failings in safeguarding are the result of losing sight of the needs and views of children or placing the needs of adults ahead of the needs of children.
1.3 Accolade implements a week-to-week office diary to ensure any multi-agency meetings are attended by the duty manager and key worker for each family. Our procedures are consistent with the statutory guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018).
1.4 At Accolade we are very clear that subjecting children and young people to harassment, violence and or abuse, may breach children’s rights, as set out in the Human Rights Act.
1.5 Equality Act 2010: it is unlawful to discriminate against children because of their protected characteristics.
1.6 A person-centered risk assessment identifies ways in which the child is not exposed to any discrimination or harassment. They are signed off by the Director and Management team to ensure all safeguarding thresholds are applied.
1.7 Accolade promotes a safeguarding learning culture throughout our organisation and we will regularly explain safeguarding processes to our staff so social work language is familiar. This helps them to support the child and families understanding of the systems in place to safeguard and reduces barriers in relationships with the social worker and team around the child.

2. Safeguarding Commitment
2.1 At Accolade we safeguard and promote the welfare of our children through all aspects of their involvement with our organisation, through our policies and procedures, through our practice, and through our relationships with colleagues, partners and stakeholders.
2.2 We believe effective safeguarding policies, procedures and practice should focus on the needs of the child.
2.3 The safeguarding and child protection policies, procedures and practice determined in this guidance are adhered to by all our staff including administrative staff and anyone working with our organisation.
2.4 Alongside the director, Victoria Jenkins, Accolade employ two managers, Lynn Dempsey and Kayleigh Warwick.
2.5 The management team oversee a team of 28 Family Practitioners, a senior Family Practitioner, a finance officer and an administrative officer.
2.6 There is a duty system in place which ensures all staff received management oversight and instruction during emergencies and when practice guidance is required. This operates both inside and outside of regular business hours.
2.7 Administrative staff are trained to handle call of concern and will redirect any safeguarding concerns to the relevant manager and department, should they be the first point of contact.
2.8 All safeguarding information is shared in a timely manner, both verbally and written.
2.9 All staff are trained both during induction and at in person training events, so they are competent in using the Traffic Light System to grade any of their concerns during practice:
• Green is a positive observation – no concerns
• Amber means support is required.
• Red is categorised as an urgent safeguarding concern that warrants immediate direct line management support.

3. Commitment to Safeguarding Training
3.1 It is now mandatory for ALL STAFF to attend in person training which is hosted on site and delivered at Accolade’s training suite. This is in addition to their Induction training completed on site and Mandatory training courses which are completed online via the Training Hub.
3.2 These are quarterly events, and staff are welcome to attend more than once.
3.3 A training allowance incentivises attendance and any nonattendance is addressed within staff supervision. HR is notified if staff are not compliant with these requests.
3.4 The Training curriculum is centred on what constitutes Good and Safe practice. We cover an overview of Serious Case Reviews, Lone Working, Managing Allegations, Traffic Light Reporting protocol and Professional boundaries.
3.5 Staff access The Training Hub – for online courses, ranging from Forced Marriage, Female Genital Mutilation, Child Exploitation and many other key topics.
3.6 Accolade subscribe to NSPCC learning, whereby monthly resources and articles are distributed to the team via email. This aids the development of a vigilant workforce that consider continued professional development as a key component of their role.

4. Policy Access

4.1 Staff can access our policies via our Accolade’s intranet system, the Atlas/Citation and SharePoint platforms, staff are notified to read and acknowledge electronically. The data for non-signatures is followed up in supervision as a compliance task.

5. Induction
5.1 Local Children’s safeguarding procedures are signposted during induction. Induction is mandatory at the start of every appointment and is arranged and takes place on site.
5.2 All new Accoladers join the Accolade Academy WhatsApp group. This enables them to ask key questions and discuss resources amongst peers.
5.3 They receive a new starter pack which outlines all key processes relating to pay and access to their account log in’s.
5.4 For example, Staff are allocated an account for the Training Hub, which is catalogue of specialist safeguarding courses, and any training gaps are identified.

6. Aftercare
6.1 Accolade value the complexity of safeguarding children frontline workers face.
6.2 Therefore, we commission BUPA services to offer private occupational health support in the form of counselling. Staff can access up to six free sessions in support of staff emotional wellbeing and resilience.
6.3 Managers at Accolade recognise the need to debrief staff following emotive situations and experiences where they may have witnessed a child come to harm or an incident/event.

7. Referral Process
7.1 Upon receiving a request for Accolade support, a risk assessment takes place, management will request a case discussion and highlight any gaps in the information provided.
7.2 If Accolade feel they can meet the needs of the child and identify outcomes are achievable we will consider the matching our practitioners and seek their expression of interest for the work to be allocated.
7.3 Managers hold an admissions briefing to select the best match for the child based on skill set, location and availability. Once selected, we will provide the family or child and their key professional with pen profiles.
7.4 We will use the referral information and case discussion to formulate a risk assessment and care plan. This process has been developed to ensure the information is reviewed regularly and presented live using our intranet system, SharePoint. All staff selected will be invited to attend a briefing whereby information is shared regarding the safeguarding needs of the child.
7.5 Each line manager has an allocation function within their training account so they can action specific training pertaining to the risk associated with the child, so the workers specialist knowledgebase is refreshed and up to date. Please see training matrix to illustrate these practices further.
7.6 Whereby risks are considered complex, managers will assign a key worker or senior support worker to lead. At times we will allocate key workers on the basis staff have built the strongest rapport with the child and their family and trust building is established.
7.7 Our regular learning circles consist of staff meeting virtually to hypothesis any safeguarding concerns and the child’s progress and strengths. The child’s experience and voice are kept at the centre of all discussions.
7.8 Our referral form requests the referrer to identify whether a child has any protective characteristics, dietary, cultural or medical needs and we consider whether these are needs met by their current carer.

8. Supervision
8.1 Safeguarding concerns are explored within case supervision which takes place on a bi-monthly basis. The worker is offered supervision, preferably face to face and on site.
8.2 Supervision notes are written up and held in each worker’s individual HR file.

9. LGBTQ children
9.1 At Accolade, you can expect us to provide LGBTQ+ children with a safe space for them to speak out or share their concerns with members of staff. We may source local resources and groups to parents of LGBTQ children to build confidence in responding to their child and enhance understanding.
9.2 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child underpins our approach.
9.3 Our referral form considers any specific characteristics.

10. A Child Centered Approach
10.1 At Accolade we put children’s best interests at the heart of everything we do.
10.1.1 Children’s views are heard and listened to. The feedback forms allow children’s views to be sought, or creative direct work will provide children with a safe space to share their views.
10.1.2 Feedback forms and our complaints process for Professionals, Parents and Children can be accessed via our website,uk

10.1.3 Children have stable relationships with staff built on trust, and provision of consistent support
based on the child's needs. Where possible we will co-ordinate our Rota’s to ensure staffing remains consistent and children’ s voice are gathered.
10.1.4 We are alert and vigilant, we are aware that some children may not feel ready or know how to tell someone they are being abused.
10.1.5 Staff are trained and equipped to observe the body language of those who are non-verbal to ensure that all forms of communication is analysed and considered, this is vital for those children and young people who struggle to verbally communicate or do not possess the capacity to articulate their views.

11. Anyone working with children in our organisation are trained to:
11.1 Speak to the child without leaving with an agenda.
11.2 Should listen to what they say.
11.3 Should take their views seriously.
11.4 Be vigilant and notice when things are troubling them.
11.4.1 Staff are provided with direct work resources to assist in engaging children in direct work. In addition, staff are signposted to the social workers toolbox.

12. At Accolade we believe children we work with need:
o To be heard and understand what is happening to them and why actions are be-
ing taken.
o Stability: to be able to develop an ongoing stable relationship of trust with adults helping them.
o Respect: to be treated with the expectation they are competent rather than not.
o To be informed about and involved in decisions, concerns and plans.
o To be provided with support in their own right.
o To be provided with support (advocacy) to assist them in putting their views forward.
o To find out their wishes and feelings about their situation and their hopes for the future.
o To be provided with honest and accurate information about their situation.
o To be involved in key decision making.

o To be invited to make recommendations about the help they need.

13. At Accolade
13.1.1 Our senior manager and staff review, scrutinise and agree our safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures in accordance with legislation and guidance.
13.1.2 This is in reference to a variety of key policy documents and resources i.e. Ofsted guidance: Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education, and skills settings.
13.1.3 Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 is statutory guidance issued by the DFE for all organisations working with children. We adhere to this, and guidance issued by Local Safe-guarding Children Partnerships.
13.1.4 At Accolade - staff are clear about our organisational structure and managers will support staff on site for second opinion visits.
13.2 The organisational structure is updated and can be found on our Intranet Page - SharePoint.
o Designated Safeguarding Lead - Victoria Jenkins
o Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Lynn Marie Dempsey and Kayleigh Warwick
o External Safeguarding Advisor and Safeguarding Consultant - Paul Fillis.
o Senior Family Practitioner – Stevie Langton
o Victoria Jenkins provides strategic oversight and safeguarding supervision at Accolade Families.

14. All Accolade staff are responsible for safeguarding.

14.1.1 All staff understand their safeguarding responsibilities, our staff are all aware of the process in contacting out-of-hours and EDT for each Borough. This is stipulated on all referrals and case information which is shared.
14.2 All staff ensure our safeguarding procedures are effective.
14.2.1 We take a whole organisation approach to safeguarding children when working with our organisation and our community.
14.2.2 All our staff have undertaken safeguarding training and are updated on local concerns and changes in local and national policy, procedures, and practice:

15. We are vigilant in suspected cases of child abuse and recognise the signs and Symptoms.
15.1 We ensure our children, and their families know who they can speak to if they have any concerns.
• For all complaints and compliments professionals, children and families can make a confidential contact via our office on or by calling to speak to Victoria or Lynn Dempsey on 01942365888
• During our admissions process we ensure key information for reporting complaints is recorded within the Child’s Care Plan and Parenting Guide.

16. At Accolade:
16.1.1 We do not do things in isolation. We share our concerns with the delegated line managers for each practitioner. There is a duty manager system in place for out of hours. The staff are notified of who the duty manager is each day.
16.1.2 We work in partnership; we share information appropriately with staff and partner agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of the child and this is documented on a contact log.
16.1.3 Staff are trained on the role of LADO – Local Authority Designated Officer. The designated safeguarding lead will consult with LADO where there are concerns for professional practice.
16.1.4 We commission a HR service - Citation which provides 24-hour Human Resource support that considers and advises on any disciplinary procedures and investigations pertaining to staff practices.
16.1.5 All line managers have access to 24-hour support from designated employment law specialist, again this is via Citation.
16.1.6 Investigatory meetings are conducted in relation to HR and employment Law and take place in person and onsite following a LADO consultation if relevant to the concern.

17. Accolade’s Mission Statement in respect of Safeguarding.

17.1 We take action to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm is everyone’s responsibility.
17.2 Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play.
17.3 We are a company which aims to prevent concerns from escalating.
17.3.1 We believe that children should remain within their families where it is safe to do so.
17.3.2 Our service aims to divert the need for children to separate and this is considered a successful outcome.
17.3.3 However, we also recognise the urgency required when a child cannot be kept safe by either parent or via Accolade being commissioned to mitigate risks. We understand the threshold of immediate harm.
17.3.4 Through Accolade Ensuring a child is in a place of safety can also be considered a successful outcome.
17.3.5 Accolade take a balanced view on risk and consider the concept of Safe Certainty.
17.3.6 Our Family Support Approach is informed by social work models and theory


18. Accolade’s knowledge base on safeguarding?
18.1 Safeguarding relates to the protection of an individual (child or adult) who is vulnerable.
18.1.1 Every child can be hurt, put at risk of harm, or abused, regardless of their age, gender, religion, or ethnicity.
18.1.2 Protecting children from maltreatment.
18.1.3 Preventing impairment of children’s health or development.
18.1.4 Ensuring children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.

19. Child Protection:
19.1.1 Abuse can be – physical, emotional (including domestic abuse), sexual, neglect, harm, or acts to prevent harm.
19.1.2 Abuse can be – in a family, institutional or community setting – by those known (more common) or unknown to the child, or by a stranger, i.e. via the internet.
19.1.3 Abuser(s) can be – an adult, adults or another child or children.
19.1.4 Signs of abuse:
• Extreme anger or sadness.
• Aggressive and attention-seeking behaviour.
• Suspicious bruises with unsatisfactory explanations.
• Self-injury.
• Depression.
• Significant change in behaviour.
• Age-inappropriate sexual behaviour.

20. Physical abuse
20.1 A form of abuse which may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces, illness in a child.

21. Emotional abuse
21.1.1 This constitutes the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as causing severe and adverse effects on the child’s emotional development.

22. Sexual abuse
22.1.1 Forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving violence, whether the child is aware of what is happening.

23. Neglect
23.1.1 The persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development.

24. Domestic Abuse

24.1 Can be psychological, physical, sexual, financial, or emotional.
24.2 Can impact on children through seeing, hearing, or experiencing the effects of domestic abuse and/or experiencing it through their own intimate relationships.
24.2.1 We are alert to the dynamics of inequality, power, coercion, and control, which underpins all forms of domestic abuse.

25. Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
25.1 CSE is a form of sexual abuse, and it is against the law.
25.1.1 CSE affects boys and girls under the age of 18 – the young victim is given something (e.g. food, money, or drugs) in return for sexual activity with the abuser or others. A child has been manipulated and does not recognise the danger of the relationship so does not realise they are a victim.

26. Human trafficking
26.1.1 Human trafficking is a serious crime. A person is trafficked if they are brought (or moved around) a country by others who threaten, frighten or hurt them, or force them to do work or other actions things they don’t want to do, including sexual exploitation.
26.2 The mandatory reporting procedures say:
• If there is a disclosure of or an indication Human trafficking is taking place, it is important that all staff know what their statutory response should be.
• 'It is recommended that you make a report orally by calling 101, the single non-emergency number.'
• 'Where there is a risk to life or likelihood of serious immediate harm, professionals should report the case immediately to police, including dialling 999 if appropriate'.
• In most cases 'reports under the duty should be made as soon as possible after a case is discovered, and best practice is for reports to be made by the close of business the very same day.

27. Female Genital Mutilation

27.1.1 Female genital mutilation (sometimes referred to as female circumcision) refers to procedures that intentionally alter or cause injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.
27.2 The girls may be taken to their countries of origin for FGM procedures.
27.2.1 There are also worries that some girls may have FGM performed in the UK. All types of FGM are illegal in the U.K.
27.3 We are clear FGM is child abuse and will be reported.
27.3.1 At Accolade Families should speak to our designated safeguarding lead (or deputy) regarding any concerns about female genital mutilation (FGM).
27.3.2 If you discover that an act of FGM appears to have been carried out on a girl under the age of 18, you must report this to the police.
27.4 The mandatory reporting procedures say:
• If there is a disclosure of FGM it is important that all staff know what their statutory response should be.
• 'It is recommended that you make a report orally by calling 101, the single non-emergency.• number.'
• 'Where there is a risk to life or likelihood of serious immediate harm, professionals should report the case immediately to police, including dialing 999 if appropriate'.
• In most cases reports should be made as soon as possible after a case is discovered, and the best practice is for reports to be made by the close of business the very same day.

28. County Lines Criminal Exploitation
28.1.1 County lines is the term for organised urban gangs who sell drugs in suburban / market /coastal / rural towns. This is often done by forcing or exploiting children and young people to do so – Child exploitation. The term “county lines” comes from the dedicated telephone lines used to make the deals. The victims may also be victims of child sexual exploitation.
28.1.2 Children and young people are used to traffic drugs, as it is thought they are less likely to be stopped by police.
28.1.3 The gangs typically set up base by forcing vulnerable adults to allow them to use their home, typically referred to as ‘cuckooing’.
28.2 Children who are considered vulnerable are often targeted by criminal gangs.
28.3 Guns, Gangs and Serious Violence Risk factors include:
• Being male.
• Being frequently absent.
• Experienced child abuse, or neglect.
• Been involved in offending.

29. Neglect and Trauma
29.1.1 We understand the accumulative effects Neglect can have on a child’s emotional and behavioural development and the impact of trauma on brain development.
29.1.2 We understand the impact of Trauma and the impact on a child when they are exposed to continuous stress and crisis.
29.1.3 We recognise the importance of Attachment and the bond a child forms with their primary caregiver. We ensure our service remains flexible and continuous to prevent a child feeling further rejected by those they form relationships with.
29.1.4 Our staff understand that relationship building, and trust is key to collaborating with parents, however we remain focused on the child’s safety and welfare and that this should not be lost in the wider work with the family.

30. Child on Child Abuse
30.1 At Accolade there is a zero-tolerance approach to child-on-child abuse.
30.2 Our staff understand the importance of challenging inappropriate behavior between children.
30.3 Dismissing incidents that are considered low level can lead to a culture of unacceptable behavior and accumulate to unsafe environment for children and a culture that normalises abuse.
30.4 If staff have any concerns about child-on-child abuse, they should speak to our designated safeguarding lead (DSL)

31. Sexual abuse, sexual harassment
31.1 Our staff are alert and vigilant through the training they receive throughout their employment with Accolade.
31.2 Our staff have a clear understanding of sexual violence and harassment.
31.3 Our staff recognise that our children might not find it easy to talk about their concerns.
31.4 Our staff are alert to early signs and changes in behaviour that cause concern.
31.4.1 Our staff are aware sexual abuse, and harassment can occur inside and outside organisation, and online.
31.5 We look to support our children by listening and providing appropriate support.
31.6 All concerns regarding child-on-child sexual abuse and harassment are a standing item on our regular safeguarding staff and supervision meetings.

32. At Accolade:
32.1.1 We are alert and understand abuse occurs inside our organisation and outside, and can occur online through exploitation, grooming and cyber bullying. Please see our anti-bullying policy.
32.1.2 At Accolade children are supported by our online policies and through our work with them. We are alert to the additional risks and vulnerabilities of children with special educational needs and we are proactive in keeping them safe and meeting their individual needs.
32.1.3 At Accolade we look to support the emotional well- being, mental health, and children with additional vulnerabilities.
32.1.4 We ensure direct work with children is undertaken to raise their own awareness of the subjects relative to their age and understanding.
32.1.5 Contextualised safeguarding is understood, and Accolade will adapt their style of teaching to suit the cognitive understanding of the child based on their age and ability.
32.1.6 We work with all partners to formulate a multi-agency team around the child, and this includes, school, housing, police, health and other organisations working with the child.

33. Online Safety

33.1 Our Designated Safeguarding Lead takes lead responsibility for understanding the filtering and monitoring systems and processes in place.
33.2 Our e-safety policies and procedures help to filter and mitigate risk and respond to concerns.
33.3 We provide advice on using social media and live streaming.
33.4 We support and include parents, carers, and their families by sharing helpful advice and resources though direct work sessions.
33.5 We review and update our e-safety provision on an ongoing basis.
33.6 We are aware of and understand the systems in place. Our systems are child focused, rather than technology focused. We manage them effectively considering welfare of the child is paramount and supersedes GDPR.

34. Safer recruitment
34.1 A Curriculum Vitae (CV) will only be accepted alongside a full application form and is not sufficient on its own.
34.2 We will consider online searches as part of our due diligence checks on shortlisted candidates.
34.3 We use a DBS matric to ensure update system is checked every 6 months.
34.4 For further details see: Accolade Safer Recruitment Procedures 2024.

35. Allegations against an adult who works with children.
35.1 Allegations can occur when an adult who works with children has:
• Behaved in a way that has harmed or may have harmed a child.
• Possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child; or behaved towards a
child or children in a way that indicates he or she may pose a risk of harm if they work
regularly or closely with children.
• Behaved towards a child in a way that indicates they may not be suitable to work with
children. If staff have any concerns, please contact Victoria Jenkins, our Designated Safe-
guarding Lead or any member of our Safeguarding Team.
35.1.1 If staff have concerns about our Senior Management Team, please refer to Local Safeguarding Partnership allegations against an adult who works with children’s procedures.
35.1.2 LADO consultation will take place using the correct threshold that constitutes harm or poor professional conduct.
35.2 Please refer to Accolades whistleblowing policy 2024

36. Low Level Concerns Policy
36.1.1 We have policies and processes in place to deal with low-level concerns and allegations that do not meet the harm threshold.
36.2 We have a clear procedure for confidentially sharing concerns.
36.3 A low-level concern is any concern that an adult has acted in a way that:
• Is inconsistent with our staff code of conduct, including inappropriate conduct outside
of work.
• Does not meet the allegations threshold or is not considered serious enough to refer to the local authority designated officer (LADO).
36.4 Low level concerns about supply staff and contractors are shared with their employers, following consultation with the LADO.
36.5 All documented concerns for staff and professionals are recorded as incidents via the HR portal and any sanctions are considered when we receive reference requests.
36.6 Local Authority commissioning Teams are also notified.

37. Learning lessons
37.1.1 Learning lessons applies to all cases, not just those which are concluded and found to be substantiated.
37.1.2 Accolade promotes a learning culture, and we cultivate a psychologically safe organisation which enables staff to seek support from leaders when errors occur in practice via an open-door policy.
37.1.3 This learning is discussed in safeguarding supervision and disseminated to staff as appropriate. This learning informs our practice going forward and supports practice improvement for children, so they experience exceptional care from Accolade staff.

Next review date November 2025
Victoria Jenkins
13th November 2024

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